
I am
Born on (DD/MM/YYYY)
My Source of income is
Date of birth of Parent/Proposer
Born on (DD/MM/YYYY)

Please enter Date Of Birth of life to be assured, select income source and click on CALCULATE PREMIUM.

POLICY VALUE (Sum Assured)
1. Returns when child turns 20 years: % of Sum Assured
2. Returns when child turns 21 years: % of Sum Assured
3. Returns when child turns 22 years:% of Sum Assured
4. Returns when child turns 23 years: % of Sum Assured
5. Returns when child turns 24 years: % of Sum Assured
Policy Maturity: Returns when child turns 25 years: % of Sum Assured
    + Bonus + Final Additional Bonus :   + 
Benefit 1: Total TAX FREE RETURNS from this plan th year Policy Maturity =lics jeevan anand 915
Benefit 2 : Aproximate maximum loan availableloan on lic policy
On Life Assured's death before th year of plan maturity :
1. Guaranteed life insurance will be paidlic bonus
2. As on death bonus paid: Accumulated Bonus+ FABBuy lic plan online+  
Total payable to nominee = 1 + 2 (Tax Free):Lic Maturity Amount
*Premium Waiver Benefit (PWB): In case of death of proposer, no premiums to be paid for remaining future periods and policy will continue till maturity and also child will get all returns on time so that you made sure their future is secured.
*Note: Bonus and Final Additional Bonus (FAB) are calculated till the policy maturity term. Simple Reversionary Bonuses are considered not more than ₹65 per thousand to calculate returns for illustration and actual bonus will be declared by LIC in future.
Death benefits illustration is calculated assuming death of life assured occurs before a year of maturity.
How do you want to Pay to start policy Now?

    • Pay

      • Premium
      • PWB Premium
      • GST (4.5%)
      • Total

    • YEARLY

    • Save 2%

    • Save 1%

    • Pay

      • Premium
      • DAB Premium
      • GST (4.5%)
      • Total




Note:For Monthly mode of premium payment, 2 months premium have to be paid initially. eNACH (Auto deduction from your bank) setup is mandatory.
Secure options to Pay by Credit Card | Debit Card | Net Banking | UPI conveniently
lic premium payment options
Your data transactions are secure with SSL certificate, payments through RBI approved PCI-DSS certified payment gateways on LIC's digital portal
lic premium payment optionsWhy you should buy LIC plans?   LIC is the only Life Insurance Company in INDIA where Sum Assured and Bonuses declared are GUARANTEED BY THE GOVT OF INDIA. (refer Section 37 LIC ACT 1956)

LIC Jeevan Tarun Online

India's most popular Child plan - Secure your Child's future and Education plan

LIC Jeevan Tarun Online

Jeevan Tarun is a participating non-linked limited premium payment plan which offers an attractive combination of protection and saving features for children. This plan is specially designed to meet the educational and other needs of growing children through annual Survival Benefit payments from ages 20 to 24 years and Maturity Benefit at the age of 25 years. It is a flexible plan wherein at proposal stage the proposer can choose the proportion of Survival Benefits to be availed during the term of the policy as per the following four options:


Survival Benefit

Maturity Benefit

Option 1

No survival benefit

100% of Sum Assured

Option 2

5% of Sum Assured every year for 5 years

75% of Sum Assured

Option 3

10% of Sum Assured every year for 5 years

50% of Sum Assured

Option 4

15% of Sum Assured every year for 5 years

25% of Sum Assured

Where, Survival Benefit is the annual payment of a fixed percentage of Sum Assured (as defined in the table above) every year starting from policy anniversary coinciding with or following the completion of 20 years of age and thereafter on each of the next 4 policy anniversaries and Maturity Benefit is a fixed percentage of Sum Assured (as defined in the table above) along with vested Simple Reversionary Bonuses and Final Additional Bonus, if any, on maturity.

The chosen option shall become a part of the policy contract and no further change in option shall be allowed.

In addition, this plan also takes care of liquidity needs through its loan facility.

The plan can be purchased by any of the parent or grand parent for a child aged 0 to 12 years.

Benefits available under an inforce policy:

Death Benefit in LIC Jeevan Tarun Online:
On death during the policy term (before commencement of risk):
In case of death of the Life Assured, return of premium/s paid excluding taxes, extra premium and rider premium, if any, without interest shall be payable.

On death during the policy term (after commencement of risk):
In case of death during the policy term provided all due premiums have been paid Death Benefit, defined as sum of “Sum Assured on Death” and vested Simple Reversionary Bonuses and Final Additional Bonus, if any, shall be payable. Where “Sum Assured on Death” is defined as Higher of 10 times of annualized premium or Absolute amount Assured to be paid on Death i.e. 125% Sum Assured.

This Death Benefit shall not be less than 105% of the total premiums paid as on date of death.

The premiums mentioned above exclude taxes, extra premium and rider premium, if any.

Survival Benefit in LIC Jeevan Tarun Online:

A fixed percentage of Sum Assured shall be payable on each policy anniversary coinciding with or immediately following the completion of 20 years of age and thereafter on each of next four policy anniversaries. These fixed percentages shall depend on the Option chosen at the proposal stage and for various Options the percentages are as given below:

Policy Anniversary coinciding/ following completion of ages

Percentage of Sum Assured to be paid as Survival Benefit

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

20 to 24 years


5% each year

10% each year

15% each year

Policyholder has to opt for any one of the options above at the proposal stage only.

Maturity Benefit in LIC Jeevan Tarun Online: 

In case of Life Assured surviving the stipulated date of maturity, a fixed percentage of Sum Assured shall be payable on maturity for inforce maturing policies. The fixed percentage under different Options is as below:

Maturity Age

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

25 year





In addition to the above, vested Simple Reversionary Bonuses and Final Additional Bonus, if any, shall also be payable.

Participation in Profits: The policy shall participate in profits of the Corporation and shall be entitled to receive Simple Reversionary Bonuses declared as per the experience of the Corporation, provided the policy is inforce.

Final Additional Bonus may also be declared under the policy in the year when the policy results into a claim either by death or maturity.

Optional Rider:
LIC’s Premium Waiver Benefit Rider (UIN: 512B204V01), on the life of proposer may be opted for by payment of additional premium.

While calculating premium using above calculator, add PWB benefit to ensure if premiums are not paid also after proposer's death, child gets all monitory benefits as per plan and their education expenses are taken care.

The premiums can be paid Yearly, Halfyearly, Quaterly or Monthly.

Policyholder can avail loan on policy after 3 successful years of premium payment.

Your LIC policy bond will be issued after acceptance of your online proposal.

Bonus added to your policy at the end of every financial year and paid on maturity along with sum assured.

Why buy LIC Jeevan Tarun Online?
