LIC’ life insurance plans premiums/pricing depends on Individual plans standard tabular premiums published by LIC. Premium varies on life assured age and premium paying  term chosen.  Premiums standard premiums are indicative. In some cases based on medical condition of Life to be assured and underwriting rules of LIC of India, health extra or occupation extra is charged once proposal form is evaluated on self declared information by proposer/life to be assured or based on medical report.

Below are the indicative sample premiums 10,000,00 Sum Assured for a 18 years old healthy non smoker with normal BMI and sound mind while applying for new LIC policy. 

LIC premiums are considered best deal for buyers by insurance experts for the insurance cover and policy benefits LIC offers with settlement ratio in market with Sovereign Guarantee by Government of India which no other private Insurance companies can offer.

To know actual premium for your age, click on each plan link and calculate standard premium.