Highest bought Popular Flagship LIC Pension PlANs

LIC’s Jeevan Umang

Pay Premium only for 15 Years and get Fixed Guaranteed Pension for your whole life, along with LifeCover


Whole life tax free guaranteed fixed returns

LIC Jeevan Umang for whole life

Jeevan Umang offers guaranteed whole life annual returns fixed at 8% of the sum assured. It also has an ever increasing life cover. As you enjoy your income, your life is also covered for 100 years. In your absence, your nominee has a safety net to fall back on.


Conditions to be eligible for this plan

Minimum Age : 90 days

Maximum Age : 55 years*

Minimum Sum Assured : Rs.2,00,000

Maximum Sum Assured :  No Limit

For more information CLICK HERE

You can save 30% tax (if in the Tax Slab based on your income) every year on the Premium paid towards your policy.
All the moneyback you receive for your Whole Life is Tax Free.
The lumpsum your nominee receives on your death is also Tax Free.
Save Income Tax throughout your life!!!

Why choose us

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Email: sales@lifeinsuranceofindia.in