LIC’s Jeevan Labh 936 Plan



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Please enter Date Of Birth of life to be assured, select income source and click on CALCULATE PREMIUM.

POLICY VALUE (Sum Assured)
1. Guaranteed Sum Assuredlic bonus
2. Bonus + FABlic bonus+
BENEFIT 1: Maturity Returns on th year = 1 + 2 (TAX FREE)lics jeevan anand 915
BENEFIT 2 :Aproximate Loan availability after 3 yearsloan on lic policy
On death before plan maturity (th year) :
1. On death before maturity: Guaranteed life insurancelic bonus
2. If accidental death: DAB paidlic bonus
3. As on death bonus paid: Accumulated Bonus+ FABBuy lic plan online+
Total payable to nominee = 1 + 2 + 3 (Tax Free):Lic Maturity Amount
*Note: Bonus and Final Additional Bonus (FAB) are calculated till the policy maturity term. Simple Reversionary Bonuses are considered not more than Rs.65 per thousand to calculate returns for illustration and actual bonus will be declared by LIC in future.
Death benefits illustration is calculated assuming death of life assured occurs before a year of maturity.
How do you want to Pay to start policy Now?

    • Buy Now

      • Premium
      • DAB Premium
      • GST (4.5%)
      • Total

    • YEARLY

    • Save 2%

    • Save 1%

    • Buy Now

      • Premium
      • DAB Premium
      • GST (4.5%)
      • Total




Note:For Monthly mode of premium payment, 2 months premium have to be paid initially. eNACH (Auto deduction from your bank) setup is mandatory.

Secure options to Pay by Credit Card | Debit Card | Net Banking | UPI conveniently
lic premium payment options
Your data transactions are secure with SSL certificate, payments through RBI approved PCI-DSS certified payment gateways on LIC's digital portal
lic premium payment optionsWhy you should buy LIC plans?   LIC is the only Life Insurance Company in INDIA where Sum Assured and Bonuses declared are GUARANTEED BY THE GOVT OF INDIA. (refer Section 37 LIC ACT 1956)

LIC Jeevan Labh - Buy Policy Online

Most popular Life Insurance and Tax Saving plan in INDIA.


Benefits / USP of LIC Jeevan Labh Online

a)Short term premium payment: LIC Jeevan Labh offers peace of mind by offering to choose from 3 premium paying terms. You can choose to pay the premium for 10/15 or 16 years.
b)Maturity benefit: Maturity in Jeevan Labh is given after a few years after premium payment stops. In 10 years premium paying policy, you get maturity returns at 15 years. In 15 years at 21 years and 16 years policy at 25 years. Policyholders enjoy life cover until maturity without any premium payment.
c) Tax benefit: Jeevan Labh helps you reduce your taxable income by investing up to Rs.1.5 lakh under Section 80C of Income tax act.
The Claims or Maturity amount received is also tax free under 10(10D)
d) Riders: You can choose from a variety of Riders. Accidental Death and Disability Rider is most commonly opted for. For a nominal premium, get double insurance coverage.

Eligibility Conditions for LIC Jeevan Labh Online

a)Minimum Basic Sum Assured:Rs. 2,00,000
b)Maximum Basic Sum Assured:No limit
c)Policy Term:16, 21 and 25 years
d)Premium Paying Term:

10 years for 16 years Term
15 years for 21 years Term
16 years for 25 years Term

e)Minimum Age at entry:8 Years Completed
f)Maximum Age at Entry:59 years for 16 years Term
54 years for 21 years Term
50 years for 25 years Term
g)Maximum Age at Maturity:75 years

How does Jeevan Labh Plan works for you?

Let us understand the JEEVAN LABH LIC policy details with an example of Mr. Rahul, and understand the plan's working.

Mr.Rahul, a 25-year-old individual working in software company, purchases a New Jeevan Labh policy. He wants to secure his family's financial future while also building a savings corpus. After his research, he chooses the following policy details:

  • Policy Term: 25 years - The policy term is the duration for which the policy will remain in force.
  • Policy Term: 25 years - The policy term states how long you have life cover (insurance coverage).
  • Premium Payment Term : 16 years  - The premium payment term states how many years the policy holder has to invest the amount for.
  • Sum Assured: Rs. 10 lakhs - The sum assured is the amount that will be paid to the nominee in the event of the policyholder's death.
  • Accidental Insurance cover: Rs. 10 Lakhs  - The premium payment term states how many years the policy holder has to invest the amount for.
  • Installment Premium (without tax)  - 45027 Rs to be paid for next 16 years. (GST will be added).
  • Maturity at 25th year : Sum Assured 10 Lakhs + Bonus accumulated.

FAQs about LIC Jeevan Labh Online

Who can buy LIC Jeevan Labh?

LIC Jeevan Labh, as the name suggests offers higher returns compared to other plans. If you are looking for a good investment cum insurance plan, with short term premium payment, then LIC Jeevan Labh is the plan for you. Best suited plans for Software Engineers, Doctors, professionals and self Employed etc..

Do I pay the premium Monthly or Annually?

LIC premiums can be paid Yearly, Half yearly, Quarterly or Monthly. Yearly premium offers 2% discout, Half-yearly premium offers 1% discount. If you opt for Monthly premiums, NEFT will be set up, where in the Premium will be deducted from your bank account on the chosen date every Month.

How can I save Income Tax with this plan?

All premiums paid towards your LIC Jeevan Labh policy is considered for Income Tax savingunder Sec 80c of Income tax act. You can invest upto Rs.1,50,000 under 80c and save tax upto Rs.46,800 every year.

When is the best time to start investing in LIC Jeevan Labh?

Now is the best time!! Ideally one should start with tax saving LIC Jeevan Labh policy as soon as possible. The younger you start your policy, the better benefits - Lower premium, Higher life cover, long term corpus building for retirement,Save Tax from the start, disciplined savings habit from an early age. Also adequate life cover to start with.

When should I start LIC Jeevan Labh in the Finanical Year for Tax Saving?

Any premiums paid between 1st April to 31st March is considered for tax saving for that financial year. If opting for Yearly premium payment mode, you can start the policy whenever convenient. If you are choosing other modes, then to save tax for the whole year, you can use the Date Backing option. You can contact us for further information on this.

Are the maturity benefits or returns from LIC Jeevan Labh Tax free?

All returns or proceeds including bonus, sum assured or surrender value from LIC Jeevan Labh endowment plan are Tax free under Income Tax Act 10(10D)

The premiums can be paid Yearly, Half yearly, Quarterly or Monthly.

Policyholder can avail loan on policy after 2 successful years of premium payment.

Your LIC policy bond will be issued after acceptance of your online proposal. It will be sent through India Post on the communication address provided.

Bonus is added to your policy at the end of every financial year and paid on maturity along with sum assured.

Why buy LIC Jeevan Labh Online?
